"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light"
- John Keith Falconer
"God isn't looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him"
- Hudson Taylor
"Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God"
- William Carey
Some things just stir my heart. The simple idea of missions is one of those things. At times I wonder what God is doing sending me out into the world to be a "missionary"; most of those times come when I am standing in line to buy yet another thing I don't need. But then I read quotes like these or see a person or hear a song and I remember what stirs my heart most. Though I love to shop and get new stuff, those things could never stir my heart the way that people do. I am so thankful, however, that God isn't looking for perfect people who are always doing the perfect thing. I am so blessed to know that he is just looking for those who will stand up and know they don't have what it takes but will try anyway, realizing that if they succeed it will not be on account of their own efforts but because they have followed God through the doors he opened for them.
As I graduate from DCC and begin to think about life without school, I am so excited to see the doors God is opening for me. My prayer is now not that I will learn all that is needed but that I will take what I have learned and lean on God and know that I can expect great things from him because he is faithful to see things through to the end and his plans do not fail.
thanks. sometimes I need to be reminded that his plans never fail. (Today I get to meet Gerdie Girl!)
you are so encouraging to me vicki.
even from far away :)
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