"If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too week. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling around with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased." - C.S. Lewis
There are times when my desires and my dreams seem FAR too big and unimaginable. It is in those times when I think that I am asking too much of God that I begin to doubt him. I don't trust that He is big enough to take care of the details that go along with the desires and dreams He has given me. And I begin to think I should just let go of these things because they are far too much to ask of God; they seem to be things that don't happen for anyone else or things I have never heard of working out before. But thankfully God is really much bigger than I think and is fully capable of working out all the plans that need to come together to make things happen. So I dare to ask God for the big things, the dreams and desires that seem absolutely unattainable because I refuse to be the child who chooses to remain in their slum when endless joy is offered me.